Apr 28, 2022
On Episode 54 of the Spiritual Seekers podcast, I talk about how we empaths can find ourselves reflecting energies. Sometimes we are aware of it, but many times we are not! I am often IN other people’s energies with my work, but at times I need to sort of like pan up to see it more objectively because I can mistaken...
Apr 21, 2022
Last week I had the week off. My son was off for spring break so I decided I needed to be off too! It was wonderful to take this much needed break. I slept like 10 hours a night and had almost no commitments at all, besides binge-watching Bridgerton’s season 2. The week concluded with Easter and I got hit hard by a...
Apr 14, 2022
On Episode 52 of the Spiritual Seekers Podcast, I spoke with Mariana Louis.
Mariana is a tarot reader, scholar, and writer from New York City and is the creator of Persephone's Sister, a platform for spiritual education and magical guidance, blending depth psychology, sacred feminism, and witchcraft. She works both with...
Apr 7, 2022
On Episode 51 of the Spiritual Seekers Podcast I share with you a recent meditation I did for my community. I used to offer these kinds of meditations weekly back in lockdown days. Now they happen less often. This time I did it differently in that instead of just inviting my healer friends, I opened it up to the larger...